6 research outputs found

    Jövőkutatás az interaktív társadalomban = Futures Studies in the Interactive Society

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    A XXI. század elején a társadalmi kihívások három területen váltak különösen fontossá. Ezek a fenntarthatóság, a demokratikus részvétel és az új tudástermelés problémái. A jövőkutatásnak is reagálni kell a kihívásokra. A jövőkutatásnak egyrészt részt kell vennie az új kihívásokra adható válaszok kutatásában és előrejelzésében, másrészt paradigmáit is tovább kell fejlesztenie. Új paradigmák fejlesztésével integrálni is lehet a jövőkutatás jelenlegi irányzatait. Az integrált jövőkutatást az új és önálló paradigmákkal rendelkező, egymással sok szálon keresztül kapcsolatban álló és együttműködő elméleti és a gyakorlati jövőkutatás együttese alkotja. Az elméleti jövőkutatás a koevolúciós paradigma, a gyakorlati jövőkutatás pedig a participációs paradigma kifejlesztése során jöhet létre. Az integrált jövőkutatás nem paradigmák versengésében formálódik, hanem az egyes paradigmákon belüli kérdések megoldásának versenyében. | At the beginning of the 21st century societal challenges became especially important in three fields: sustainability, democratic participation and the problems of creating new knowledge. Futures should respond to these challenges. Futures has to participate in research and foresee for new answers responding to societal challenges on the one hand, and it has to change their present paradigms, on the other hand. Present lines of futures can also be integrated by development of new paradigms. Integral futures can consist of the joint of theoretical and practical futures that have new and independent paradigms, that are interconnected in many aspects and that are co-operating. Theoretical futures can be established by development of its co-evolutionary paradigm but practical futures can be established by development of its participatory paradigm. Integral futures is not created by the competition of paradigms, but by the competition to answer internal questions of each paradigm

    Futures Studies in the Interactive Society

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    This book consists of papers which were prepared within the framework of the research project (No. T 048539) entitled Futures Studies in the Interactive Society (project leader: Éva Hideg) and funded by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) between 2005 and 2009. Some discuss the theoretical and methodological questions of futures studies and foresight; others present new approaches to or procedures of certain questions which are very important and topical from the perspective of forecast and foresight practice. Each study was conducted in pursuit of improvement in futures fields

    Comparing the trueness of seven intraoral scanners and a physical impression on dentate human maxilla by a novel method

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    Intraoral scanner (IOS) accuracy is commonly evaluated using full-arch surface comparison, which fails to take into consideration the starting position of the scanning (scan origin). Previously a novel method was developed, which takes into account the scan origin and calculates the deviation of predefined identical points between references and test models. This method may reveal the error caused by stitching individual images during intraoral scan. This study aimed to validate the novel method by comparing the trueness of seven IOSs (Element 1, Element 2, Emerald, Omnicam, Planscan, Trios 3, CS 3600) to a physical impression digitized by laboratory scanner which lacks linear stitching problems

    Jicchák Luria és körének útjai az istenhez : 1. rész: a vallásgyakorló

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    Ez az írás az első része annak a kétrészes tanulmánynak, ami a zsidó misztika legismertebb alakjának, Jicchák Luriának, Cfátban folytatott tevékenységeit foglalja össze. Ebben az első részben a szerző betekintést nyújt – vallási vezetőként, a kabbala innovatív formálójaként és tanítójaként, valamint a helyi zsidó közösség tagjaként betöltött – különféle szerepeibe. Ennek során bemutat néhány részletet abból, hogy mit csinált, hogyan töltötte idejét cfáti évei alatt. A tanulmány nyomon követi az – általa megújított, majd a cfáti kabbalistákkal megismertetett – legfontosabb rituálék és vallási szokások céljait és üzeneteit is, melyeket nem csak elterjesztett, hanem vezette és gyakorolta is azokat. | This study is the first part of a two-part analysis summarising the activities of Isaac Luria in Safed, the best-known figure of Jewish mysticism. In this first part, the author provides an insight into Luria's roles as a religious leader, as an innovative shaper and teacher of Kabbalah, and as a member of the local Jewish community. In doing so, the study shows some details of what he did and how he spent his time during his years in Safed. The study also traces the purposes and messages of the most important rituals and religious customs that Luria introduced to the Safedian Kabbalists. This is on the understanding that Luria not only created, but by all accounts led and practised the rituals himself

    The Short History and the Plausible Future of World Modelling

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    This study summarises the methodological aspects of the most important computerised world models and describes their prospects for the near future. Throughout the three stages of the evolution of world modelling, the development of computer technology has had a definitive role, hence this study regards computer technology as a framework of world modelling. The first evolutionary stage is related to the spread of IBM computers at the beginning of the 1970s, its milestone being the model published in The Limits to Growth (Meadows et al. 1972). With the spread of desktop computers in the second stage, world models that could run on PCs appeared; the first one being MicroIFs (International Futures) in the second part of the 1980s. The third wave was generated by the proliferation of the Internet and the continuing acceleration of the processing speed of computers. Models have become downloadable, virtually simultaneous processing options enable multi- agent-based simulations. As a result of these, models can be extended with the analyses of dynamic and emergent phenomena. Recent methodological concepts and trends promise new theoretical synthesis of world modelling